Welcome to Drream Escapes

One cannot talk of tourism without travel, and also cannot talk of travel without tourism.


Are you a workaholic? No? So, when was the last time you took a holiday? Health experts are now saying that taking a regular holiday isn't a luxury, it's a necessity, to combat the stresses of work and our faster lifestyles. Are you one of these tens of thousands of people in need of a holiday?
Here are 10 reasons we give you to start packing and book in your next holiday break now WITH US


Holidays provide us with a welcome opportunity to truly relax and leave behind our daily routines, like fighting peak hour traffic, paying bills and meeting strict deadlines.

Time to recharge

You can take an energising break and recharge your batteries. Get your blood pumping again with some hiking, skiing or white water rafting.

Retreat and disconnect

Disconnect from your email and mobile phone and enjoy some peace and solitude. Lose yourself in a good book or in a log cabin in the mountains and enjoy the fresh air, the stillness of the night or a beautiful morning sunrise.


Reconnect with your partner or even with yourself and your passions.

Discover new territory & have an adventure

Swap your regular holiday destination with one that's out-of-the-ordinary, exotic or exhilarating and expose your senses to new territory and adventures.

Create special memories

Be they romantic, with your kids, or something else that's really meaningful to you. For more business, executive or life coaching tips and strategies to help you achieve your goals and create and live the life you've always wanted.

Slow down and catch up on some sleep

Sometimes the secret to enjoying life is as simple as slowing down. Reduce your hectic pace, include some early nights and afternoon siestas, unrushed meals, walks, or a massage.

Reflect and celebrate

Allow yourself time to reflect, to review your life and appreciate and celebrate all that you're grateful for.

Enjoy more time together as a couple or a family

Extended time away from our day-to-day routines gives us greater opportunities to share enjoyable outings and experiences together.

Have fun

One of the best things about taking holidays is it gives us time to be spontaneous and do exactly what we want, when we want. How blissful!