Vatican – The Eternal city tour

One of the most sacred places in Christendom, Vatican City stands as a testimony to a history of about two millennia and to a formidable spiritual venture. Site of the tomb of the Apostle Saint Peter, first of the uninterrupted succession of Roman Pontiffs, and therefore a main pilgrimage centre, the Vatican is directly and tangibly linked with the history of Christianity. Furthermore, it is both an ideal and an exemplary creation of the Renaissance and of Baroque art.

Tours, designed to cater for different age groups, are offered in order to satisfy both historical and artistic needs, to support the subject matter of a particular course as well as satisfying pedagogical and psychological requirements. These educational formats accustom students to listening and observing, while discovering the joy in learning. By sharing ideas with the Museum's teaching staff about each work of art, students are able to learn how to examine a work of art.

Few itineraries available, to be selected for their compatibility with the school syllabus.

  • Raphael Rooms and Sistine Chapel
  • Gregorian Egyptian Museum and Sistine Chapel
  • Gregorian Egyptian Museum and Gregorian Etruscan Museum
  • Vatican Gardens
  • Vatican Museums and St. Peter's Basilica