Educational Travel » Students Universe

The world our students are graduating into is becoming more diverse, more competitive, and is requiring an entirely new set of skills that can't be acquired exclusively in the classroom. To gain the 21st century skills and cross-cultural competencies necessary to succeed and thrive both personally and professionally, students need to venture beyond what is familiar, to experience new and different cultures, and contribute to their global community. The leadership and interpersonal skills gained from an immersive experience abroad opens students' eyes to the world and lays the groundwork for a passionate and self-directed path through school /college and beyond.

At DRREAM ESCAPES, we thrive on creating those immersive global experiences that change the lives of our students and the communities in which they travel, work and live, even for short periods. Whether you're traveling with your school group, taking a gap year, or participating in your organization's annual community service trip, we take pride in our safety record and the quality of our programs. The safety of our students and travelers is of utmost concern and our comprehensive risk management policies are in place to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable trip abroad. We strive to provide authentic and immersive travel experiences that allow you to engage with the people, culture, and environment of your chosen destination. And we do this sustainably, always offering socially and environmentally conscious travel options designed to fit your curriculum and educational objectives.