Discover The World With Us

When teachers partner with DRREAM ESCAPES, they give their students an immersive, educational experience. And, with all-inclusive tours everything is covered, from 24/7 Tour Directors to culturally rich activities, allowing travelers to discover the world with confidence.

Let's Say Yes

Global travel awakens the senses—and mind—to different cultures and experiences. From climbing the worn steps of the Colosseum to practicing tai chi with Shanghai locals, unforgettable memories become priceless souvenirs. Experience a life-changing journey in just a few simple steps.

Our Few Usp's We May Like to Highlight While Students on Board

Commitment To Safety : With more than a decade of experience, we have our associates and tie ups with schools in more than 50 countries, so wherever you go, rest assured, we're there too.

Expertly Guided Tours : From the moment your trip commences, your Tour Director is at your side. Together with local guides, they educate and offer insight on tour.

Immersive Activities : Local dishes, live demonstrations, guided sightseeing and access to the world's most coveted attractions make every experience a teachable moment.